You are more than your money problems. You have a whole life outside of bills, retirement planning, budgeting, or debt repayment. You have relationships with partners, parents, children, and friends that all are important to you.
However, money certainly takes up a lot of our headspace and can be incredibly emotionally draining. It makes so much sense to be overwhelmed with all of the pieces you have to juggle. We want you to know that you aren’t crazy, stupid, bad, or whatever else your financial shame may be telling you. You are a whole person who has valid experiences and needs. We all need extra support with mental health and money, financial decision-making, and financial planning.
That is where we come in.
Truth is, most of us are either unsupported or under-resourced when dealing with our money. That is why having a team of professional support can make all the difference in going from stuck and overwhelmed to hopeful and secure. Humans do better when they have a team behind them, and that is absolutely true with money.
Our team prioritizes 3 aspects of financial health to make sure we are getting down to the root of your money problems. In your work with us, you will meet with a financial therapist, a financial counselor, and a financial planner to support you in 3 connected parts of your financial life.
Tackle the numbers and feelings behind money problems with a multi-disciplinary team

Our financial therapists help with the psychological, emotional and relational aspects of your financial life. Financial therapists will help you work on communication challenges with your partner, child, or parent. We can help work with mental health conditions or psychological blocks that get in the way of taking the next step. We are trauma-informed and recognize that money is a deeply emotional experience, and we all have different money stories that impact our present situations.
You can expect a safe space to process these feelings and get clear direction and relevant skill practice that will help you continue to heal between sessions.

Financial counseling gets to the nitty gritty of real money management. Our financial counselors work with you to build financial structure and systems in place. This may include building spending plans or budgets, creating debt management plans, and helping you get organized financially.
You can expect to talk numbers here, including things like budgets, statements, and tools that set you up for long term success. We prioritize shame-free experiences and know that your values matter most.

Our financial planners are a bit different. We don’t sell you anything. We aren’t trying to manage your long-term investments. We only care about giving you the financial plans that actually matter to you so you can make the best decisions you can. We can talk about retirement planning, saving for a goal, estate planning, general tax planning, whatever you need as you look to your future.
You can expect to talk through your long-term financial goals and get targeted advice on steps you need to take to reach those goals.
This unique approach to financial health sees you and your money decisions holistically. You won’t have to piecemeal your financial support anymore, and you’ll actually have a team that talks together regularly about how to best support you in your goals.
Our expert team of specialists works together to coordinate your financial care
Everyone has different financial needs and situations and we tailor our services to what you need most. However, we generally follow a process that starts where you are and builds you up to where you want to be.
Here is the basic rundown.
We want to hear your needs and your money story to really understand where you are right now. This is a no-pressure call to better hear what you need, answer your questions, and provide logistical information about working with us.
The goal of this call is purely to point you in the best direction, whether it is with us or not,and help you feel more secure in your options.
Once you decide that you are ready to start this journey, you’ll start working with the financial therapist and financial counselor to start working through emotional and psychological blocks, and begin looking at the financial decisions and skills you need to succeed. We hope to help you get the skills and support you need sooner rather than later, so we try to have you meet both professionals on alternate weeks. However, life and schedules happen so we will meet you where you are at.
The goal of this stage is to build stability and get you started in your financial healing. This can take anywhere from 4-12 weeks depending on your needs.
As your healing continues and you feel skilled enough to move on to long-term goals, you will work with the financial planner for a few sessions to build your financial plan. Financial therapy and financial counseling may continue as needed until you feel you’ve gotten what you need to handle things on your own.
The goal of this stage is to continue your healing journey and help you feel prepared for the long-term. Financial planning itself rarely requires more than 2-3 sessions itself, but there may be financial therapy or counseling sessions that are needed to solidify your growth.

We value both transparency and making our services as accessible as possible to everyone, which is why we use a sliding fee scale to determine cost. What you pay per session is determined by your household income, which allows us to make these services more affordable to everyone. Use our sliding fee scale to better understand your per session fee. Please note that all sessions, regardless of type of professional you’re meeting with, use the same hourly rate structure.
We offer a sliding fee scale and virtual services to make financial care as accessible as possible
Our Team
Help Center
Is this process the same as regular psychotherapy?While our practitioners may be licensed therapists, psychotherapy is a state-bound medical service (often requiring a mental health diagnosis and is often covered by health insurance policies). By working under a coaching agreement, we are able to see people all over the country. We will still be working on transforming your relationship with money and using therapeutic tools to help you make change. However, we must refer out for certain “red flag” issues like suicidal or homicidal intent, child or elder abuse, and certain aspects of trauma healing.
Can you provide diagnoses?While we are skilled in recognizing symptoms of certain mental health diagnoses, an official diagnosis would have to come from a psychotherapist or medical professional in your state of residence. See more in the “Is this process the same as regular psychotherapy?
How long does this process take?Every case is different and everyone has different needs when they come to our practice. On average, clients are able to meet their goals between 3 and 6 months; however, your needs may require longer care depending on the depth of financial and mental health challenges you are wanting to work through. It is our priority to get you to the place of stability and healing, and not have you in services any longer than is necessary.
Can I work with a therapist, financial planner, or other professional I already have a relationship with?A: Absolutely! We know that many of you already have professionals you trust and we do not want to get in the way of that! We can tailor your treatment needs to your situation, including signing Releases of Information (ROI) so that we can coordinate care with your other providers.
Can I use a HSA card to pay for sessions?While traditional psychotherapy is often approved as a qualified medical expense, coaching does not qualify as a medical expense as there is no diagnosis or treatment of a mental health disorder in the coaching process.
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